Sunday, February 26, 2012

"Yes, Jesus Claimed To Be God"

Taken from an article from the OnTheBox blog, written by Mark Spence.

One of the many "cut and paste" objections unbelievers levy against God and His Word is this: "Jesus never claimed to be God."

Truth: The Bible does not record Jesus saying these words in a single sentence: "I am God."

Truth: Jesus repeatedly asserted He was and is God, and that is why the Jewish religious leaders sought to murder Him (Mark 14:60-64; Luke 22:66-71; John 8:48-59; John 9:35-41;John 10:30-33).

The Bible is replete with the words of Jesus and the words about Jesus, which clearly show (to those who are not spiritually blind), that God the Father and Jesus (God the Son) are one in essence and character while, at the same time unique in their personage. God the Father and God the Son, along with God the Holy Spirit, comprise the Trinity of God. God is one God in three Persons.

What follows was compiled by Mark Spence and published as part of Lesson 49 of The School of Biblical Evangelism. Feel free to copy and paste this into a Word document and size it to fit inside your Bible. The next time someone foolishly challenges the deity of Jesus, you will be all-the-more equipped to give the reason for the hope that is in you.

Read the Rest HERE and find a list of verses where Jesus claims to be God.

God Bless!!


Adam Pastor said...


On the subject of the Trinity,
I recommend this video:
The Human Jesus

The video addresses many of the issues raised in your post.

Take a couple of hours to watch it; and prayerfully it will aid you in your quest for truth.

Yours In Messiah
Adam Pastor

ShownTheWay said...

To Adam Pastor:

I appreciate your comment.

While I can not promise I can watch your video, I hope you will see this article about the Trinity and come openly and humbly before God and His Word and see what has to say.

Jesus not only claimed to be God, but is God today. The One we worship and serve.

God Bless!!