Saturday, May 12, 2012

Why the "Darwin Fish" Shouldn't Offend You

The popular symbol we see on the back of cars in this nation is the infamous "Jesus Fish".  What does this symbol mean exactly?  I did some research and also put some thought into why the "Darwin Fish" being sported by Atheists does not offend me.

So, what does the "Jesus fish" stand for?

I think this short article from does a great job of explaining it:

"The Greek word for fish is "ixthus" or "icthus." The Christian fish symbol that many Christians place on their cars is known as the “ixthus.” Five Greek letters form the word “ixthus,” and those letters inside the fish form an acrostic which is a message that Christians clearly identified with. The first letter represented the word Jesus. The second letter represented the word Christ, the next two, God Son, and the final letter represented the word Savior. This adds up to “Jesus Christ is God’s Son, the Savior.”

During the early days of Christianity, Christians were often put to death for practicing their faith, so they worshiped in secret places. A fish painted on the outside door of a house let other Christians know that they would be safe and welcome inside. The Christian fish symbol is now often used to identify Christians and/or Christian businesses."

We commonly see the fish with a Cross or JESUS written inside of it.

So, why does this not offend me?  Two reasons.

1) The assertion that fish had or have ever had legs.  The Word of God makes it's clear that fish were created separate from land walking animals (Gen. 1:20-25).  There is a common objection to this that begs the question, "When the fish came out of the water to evolve onto land, did it have gills or lungs?"  While, this is an important to reconcile within the Atheistic worldview, I think that no matter what they assert to follow up this question, it points back to Intelligent Design.  If the fish had gills first and then developed lungs, that sustained the fish while it developed lungs?  Also, are they asserting that millions of years of "wishful thinking" allowed a fish to develop lungs.

"Come on people, let's hope for wings!"

I mean this with all love and respect to Atheists and out of curiosity, which is more logical?  The above, or that an all powerful, eternal God created the world.  And, which takes more faith?

This brings me to the second reason the "Darwin fish" doesn't offend me.

It is imagery of what the Bible has been saying for thousands of years.

We see the "Jesus fish" the symbol not only for God but for Jesus the Savior, surrounding Darwin and sitting unaffected by his ideas.  Just as the evidence for God's existence sits right around every person right now.

This is evidence can be found in:

Creation. Creation shows a creator the way a building proves there is a builder.
Romans 1:18-21, Psalm 19:1, Colossians 1:16-17)

Conscience.  If any Atheist truly lives through his worldview, he MUST admit that not only is murder okay, but so is raping a child and every other devious act.  In there worldview there is no moral good or bad, because if there were, there would be have to be a Moral Giver.  (Romans 2:15-6, 3:19-20)

Christ.  The testimony of Jesus Christ found in the Gospels, Acts and thousands of other witnesses (500 of the Resurrection alone!) to His perfect life, atoning death and victorious Resurrection.  (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts 1, 1 Corinthians 15)

So, in summary, the "Darwin Fish" is in no way offensive to me or any other Christians.  Some may find me foolish, and that's okay.  The Bible says that "God uses what is foolishness to the world to shame those who are wise in the world". (1 Cor. 1:27)

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. ~1 Corinthians 1:18

Stop being foolish today. Open your mind to what is right around you. God.

Curious to what the message of the Cross is? It's called the Gospel and it is the power of God. Go to the sidebar and read the message found there and watch the videos to get some of your "questions" answered.

Be wise, repent and obey the Gospel! (Mark 1:15)

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