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Recently, a hashtag is making its way around the net. #ShoutYourAbortion is meant to be a defense of Planned Parenthood in the midst of their most recent controversy, along with allowing women to proudly boast in abortion decision. This hashtag is a celebration of autonomy. In fact, the pro-abortion narrative is changing. Not long ago, women who received abortion were “victims”, but now they are being considered heroes. Any extension of the kingdom of autonomy is something to shout. Mos may be shocked to hear this, but I agree- abortion is something to shout about, but not in mirth and celebration, but in mourning and lamentation.
In fact, Biblically, seeking full autonomy is not what brings freedom and life (like the culture is promising). Biblically, full and free moral autonomy breeds death, not life. This is clear from the third chapter of Genesis. In fact, the moment they dwelt upon Satan’s question, they exalted their own autonomy above Kingship. “Did God really say?” has always been the root of our problems, this isn’t changing anytime soon. The New Testament is clear that autonomy from God is still the root of our problem (Romans 1:18-32). It also shouldn’t be surprising to us that autonomy has lead our culture to murder the innocent. It was the next chapter after our first parent’s sought their full autonomy that we see a two-fold slaughter- first of God-given responsibility, and then of human life. Cain’s question is just as chilling today, “Are we our brother’s keeper?” To adjust it a bit for our context, “Am I my baby’s keeper?”
Abortion is clear reminder of the fallenness of our world. Nothing can be more clear than allowing our autonomy to rule and reign over other’s autonomy. We end life because we think that freedom from their life will bring us life, but death only ever brought life once, and it came not through asserting autonomy, but through humility and obedience to the plans of the Father. Jesus by His death offers us fullness of life (Jon 10:10). He died for our sins and rose again to make all things new. He is the King over this creation, and only through laying down our autonomy and submitting to Him can we find life. In this new creation we are made kings and queens over all things (Revelation 5:10). Even those who have performed or received abortions can find forgiveness and newness of life in the gospel. True freedom is not found in laying down the life of others, but in laying down our own lives. Jesus modeled this and we are called to lay down our lives and follow Him. Abortion is antithesis to the gospel, this is why anyone who claims to follow Christ can never support it.
The fallenness of sin should be mourned. The death of the innocent is never celebrated in Scripture, but something to lament. Herod thought killing the Messiah as a baby would solve his problem. Instead of celebration, Rachel was left mourning for her babies, and Herod couldn’t kill the baby. In fact, through one of the babies he sought to destroy, the People of God would be rescued from their exile- a baby would bring life to the people of God. This is why Matthew would quote from Jeremiah's lament (Jeremiah 31:15, Matthew 2:17-18). Jesus Christ conquered death and the fallenness of this world and rules all the nations with an iron rod from the throne of God (Revelation 12:5).
We must pray to our Sovereign King (who can empathize with those slaughtered babies) for the end of this in our nation. He has all authority in Heaven and on Earth. Nothing it too far gone for His power and promise to restore. But, our work doesn’t stop there. We have work to do. Legislation needs to continue and propagation is an essential. Continue in the fight in Congress and elsewhere. But, we must not forget to preach the message of Christ’s obedience to death instead of the culture’s message- autonomy through death. Abortion is anti-gospel, abortion is anti-joy. One fact is clear- abortion is pro-death. Because of this fact abortion is something to shout about, but only with sackcloth and ashes.
The fallenness of sin should be mourned. The death of the innocent is never celebrated in Scripture, but something to lament. Herod thought killing the Messiah as a baby would solve his problem. Instead of celebration, Rachel was left mourning for her babies, and Herod couldn’t kill the baby. In fact, through one of the babies he sought to destroy, the People of God would be rescued from their exile- a baby would bring life to the people of God. This is why Matthew would quote from Jeremiah's lament (Jeremiah 31:15, Matthew 2:17-18). Jesus Christ conquered death and the fallenness of this world and rules all the nations with an iron rod from the throne of God (Revelation 12:5).
We must pray to our Sovereign King (who can empathize with those slaughtered babies) for the end of this in our nation. He has all authority in Heaven and on Earth. Nothing it too far gone for His power and promise to restore. But, our work doesn’t stop there. We have work to do. Legislation needs to continue and propagation is an essential. Continue in the fight in Congress and elsewhere. But, we must not forget to preach the message of Christ’s obedience to death instead of the culture’s message- autonomy through death. Abortion is anti-gospel, abortion is anti-joy. One fact is clear- abortion is pro-death. Because of this fact abortion is something to shout about, but only with sackcloth and ashes.
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