I have recently been inspired to begin work on a custom Gospel Tract in response to the
“Can I Pray For You?”challenge by
H.L.Hussmann. Whether or not this project becomes an effective ministry is up to the Lord, but it’s an idea I feel should at least be worked on.
This has inspired me too write blog about prayer. Something I haven’t really touched on too much yet. Don’t consider this a “prayer guide.” But more of a prayer 101 with some additional thoughts.
Let start with what prayer is. Prayer is simply communication with God.
We are meant to come to God to ask, to thank, and exalt God.
The Bible has a lot too say about having faith and it’s power. But, a caution, when reading those verses (such as Matthew 21:21-22 etc..) remember that God doesn’t answer prayers outside of His Will (1 John 5:14-15) and that ultimately God gives us what is best for us, if we are ready for it (Matthew 7:7-12). God is Sovereign and doesn’t need our prayers to work in life, God already knows whats going on in our lives, but it is apart of our relationship with our Father. (Matthew 6:8) (I’ll talk more about this relationship in coming posts)
I mean, just think about it. How could you say you have a relationship with a friend if you never took the time to call them and tell them whats going on in your life?
The Bible says that we should pray continually (1 Thess. 5:16-18), pray for others (Colossians 4:12), for bold and clear Gospel proclamations (Colossians 4:4), which comes through the Holy Spirit. The Bible also teaches to pray in trouble and in sickness (James 5:13-20). We are also meant to follow the example of Jesus in prayer. He prayed for Himself, those close to Him and the world (John 17)
The teachings of Jesus on prayer have a lot to say about it. Lets look at Matthew chapter 6. We’ll look at the Lords prayer and work backwards. Jesus, just in the Lords Prayer (verse 9-13) teaches us a few things.
1. Put God first in your Prayers. (9)
2. Come into pray expecting to be challenged through the Holy Spirit (11-12)
3. Have faith and expect God to move (notice how Jesus prayed that it would happen, remember my above caution though about “faith and prayer”)
Jesus, within the Lords Prayer, says a statement that is sung in countless worship songs and prayed countless times in the World. “Your Kingdom come…you’re will be done.”
A thought about this:
When we pray “Your Kingdom Come…” we expect an immediate change in the world. But, in reality, His Kingdom must first come into our hearts, before we’ll ever see a change in the world.
Prayer puts wheels into motion, but luckily God controls the directions.
So, yes, we have the power to change the world around us. But let’s expect God to change us into servants before we expect the next great Revival (Remember what Jesus said about the plank in our own eyes? See Matthew 7:1-5).
As some final thoughts, lets look at the opening of Matthew 6.
1. Do it for God, not men. (6:5)
2. It’s about the words, but the heart (6:7)
3. Make sure to have private prayer time. (6:6)
Corporate prayer is important and powerful. All of God’s Church calling out for change in our world is an inspiring image and is guaranteed to bring a change.
But, a quote from A.W. Tozer really shows us the importance of private prayer, “Social religion is perfected when private religion is purified.” (check out the rest of this awesome quote in his book “The Pursuit of God”)
The Church will never bring God’s Kingdom to Earth until we make it come into our hearts.
One final thought. Maybe you’re reading this and your skeptical of prayer. Or maybe you don’t even believe in God or Jesus and just happened by this. This word from Jesus is for you too.
In Matthew 6:6 tells us that God sees everything we do, even in secret. Isn’t that a scary thought? The Creator and Judge of the universe sees and hears our every idle word, thought and emotion. Our hate for our neighbor, our darkest, most sinful of thoughts. One day all people must stand and give an account for these thoughts. God is Holy and will punish sin. He will send them to Hell, an eternal place of torment and Judgement.
But God is rich in mercy. He loved us so much as to go to a Roman Cross for us. God came down in the Person of Jesus Christ too pay our fine before the Holy Judge. Now we can go free and be saved from Hell, if we repent and trust in Jesus Christ ALONE for salvation.
Skeptical of prayer? Sincerely call out to God for forgiveness and trust in Christ and He will give you a new heart with new desires. Then you will see for yourselves the power of prayer and the power of the Gospel.
“if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” -2 Chronicles 7:14
Hope you found this helpful. Also, check out and except the “Can I Pray For You?” Challenge! An amazing way to encourage others and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (link at the top)
God Bless!
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